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Guillaume Binet, Stéphane Lagoutte / MYOP
“… this is a world upside down for a long time from which we suffer. “

M.Y.O.P. are the initials from a poem by Paul Eluard: “My eyes patient object / were forever open / on the expanse of the seas / where I got lost”. Since the beginning of the XXIth century Myop has continued, through a thousand vicissitudes, to expand its team which today makes up one of the most prestigious “team” with Ed Alcock, Guillaume Binet, Julien Daniel, Agnès Dherbeys, Marie Dorigny, Julie Hascoët , Pierre Hybre, Olivier Jobard, Alain Keler, France Keyser, Oan Kim, Olivier Laban-Mattei, Stéphane Lagoutte, Jean Larive, Ulrich Lebeuf, Pascal Maitre, Olivier Monge, Julien Pebrel, Jérémy Saint-Peyre, etc.

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A film about Gilles Caron eye

This Wednesday, January 29th, 2019, the film “Histoire d’un Regard” by director Mariana Otero was released in theaters. This first-person documentary searches, with much emotion and precision, the work of a brilliant photographer who has become a myth: Gilles Caron. A must see.

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Sylvain Julienne (1947-2019) : “Photography was like a flying carpet”

He was born on July 6, 1947 rue Dulong in Evreux, he died on December 18, 2019 in Evreux. “I must have made big messes in my previous lives. Because to end your life in the house where you were born, when you have toured the planet 20 or 30 times, you must have been messed up. The punishment is heavy ”confided Sylvain Julienne to La Dépêche, the local newspaper three months before his death.

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Jean-Pierre Laffont, Hugues Vassal : Stars from Paris to New York

They tell us about a time that people under twenty do not know. Stars and celebrities whose names have raised – and sometimes still raise – the crowds. Two photographers who grew up in the cradle of the Gamma agency revisited their archives. Nostalgia for older people, curiosity for young people: two lessons of photojournalism.

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