Marianne Caron-Montely


Gilles Caron
Exclusif : le témoignage de Marianne Caron-Montely

Gilles et Marianne à 14 ans – Photographie ©Fondation Gilles Caron / Clermes

Exclusif : « Pour moi ce n’est pas facile de vous raconter tout cela. » Marianne Caron-Montely répond à nos questions quelques jours avant le triste anniversaire de la disparition du photographe de l’agence Gamma. Il a fallu huit ans et un acte judiciaire pour que Gilles Caron soit déclaré mort. Un véritable calvaire pour sa famille.

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736 rolls of film by Gilles Caron rediscovered


Tuesday, May 25, 2010, the Commercial Court of Paris pronounced the liquidation of the Corbis Sygma corporation. Counselor Gorrias had been appointed liquidator and had taken over the wreckage of the press agency created by Hubert Henrotte in 1973 and then bought by Bill Gates in 1999. Nine month later, millions of photographs were in jeopardy of destruction…Until all of a sudden 736 rolls of film from the mythical photographer from Gamma Agency reappear in the courts!

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