
Mete Zihnioglu / Sipa : “Facing as it has been for 50 years”

Mete Zhinoglu de Sipa Press a Visa pour l’image – (c) Geneviève Delalot

The Sipa Press news agency, named after its founder Göksin Sipahioglu, was created in 1973 in Paris. It is one of the “Three enemy sisters” (Gamma-Sipa-Sygma). The agency distributes the production of the Associated Press in France. Despite this, it has known many financial problems since the 2008 crisis, adventures with the late German agency DAPD before finding a stable group of associates. But its financial situation, like that of other agencies is precarious.

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Dernière révision le 26 mars 2024 à 4;43 par Rédaction d’